Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jesus Family Tomb

It is late, and I am very tired. I sit in my office before my computer, finishing up the last bit of work I can muster after a long and hectic day. As is my habit, I check my email before I get ready for bed, and at the header of my page where my RSS reader lives, I see something tantalizing.

Discovery News - Jesus Family Tomb Believed Found - 2 days ago

Wow. Can this be saying what I believe it is saying? I've been fooled before by the headlines of articles; tricked into clicking something which opens a page that is of total disinterest to me. But, hey, I simply must find out. So I click on the link and I read the entire Discovery News article, and yes, it seems that the final resting place of the family of Jesus, his supposed wife Mary Magdalene, and their alleged child Judah has been found. More astounding still, it was found in 1980 and the news article I was reading was itself two days old.

I believe that somewhere in my mind many things began to spark. I began to think of the theological and cultural significance of this discovery. I began to wonder how this shocking news somehow failed to inspire people to discuss the event, and I wondered how it was that I hadn't heard anything about this for 2 days or 27 years, depending on your viewpoint. But in the end, the most dominant thought coursing through my brain was this:

"Jesus Family Tomb" sounds an awful lot like the name of a folk rock band.

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Blogger Non-Productive.com said...

In the interst of equal time:

Experts question.


Experts reject.

Yeah, I remember the "brother of Jesus" box from awhile back as well.

5:59 PM  

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